Monday, February 27, 2023

Attending Greenwood's Chili Cookoff 2023


By Tonya Martin a Participant

Sixteen teams battled it out at the Greenwood Shrine Club for the 15th Annual Chili Cook-off.  

The day was perfect for chili – overcast & 50 degrees and the air was filled with amazing smells all around.  There were quite a few unique chili’s in the crowd with sausages, game and most of all secrets!  

As the GWD team came around and collected the 24 oz containers of test chili to take to the judges, the “Tasters” began making their rounds.  With 16 samples, no one would go home hungry for sure.  By the time I was at #8, I was down to taking 1-2 bites.  

Back in the judging area, the tasting and passing of each chili (with a swig of a cold beverage and a saltine palate cleanser) was in full swing looking at aroma, consistency, color, taste and aftertaste.  About an hour later, a winner would go home with the GOLDEN SPOON and the loser would take home the GOLDEN PLUNGER.  

My chili, sadly, fell somewhere in the middle.  All the prepping, tasting, spicing was not enough to win “the spoon”, BUT I did win the day.  I was enjoying something I love (cooking) with friends by my side.  You can ask for more than that!  

1st and Tasters Choice 
Chris Wade and Jason Crawford
2nd Jeremy Davis, Chris Griffin, Johnny Hanna 
3rd  Travis Costello and Michelle 
4th  Richie Williams 
5th  Denny and Dena Hendrix
6th  Director staff 
7th  3-way TIE Juanita Smart, Double R Cooking Crew- The Rushton’s and Rush’s, Trina Hughes 
8th  Katelyn Smart
9th  Chris Crumpton, J-Bo Jennings 
10th Caroline Nave and Jason Brooks 
11th Kathy Knight 
12th Tonya Martin 
13th Tipsy Jalapeños Angie and Patrick Moore 
14th  Paul Skelton 
15th  Spice Girls Lisa Tharpe, and Stacey Jennings 
16th Parrot Heads Sharon and Rene

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