Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Clover Optimist Club - Gold Leaf Award

 By Stephen Schram

The Clover Optimist Club was presented a Hejaz Shriners Potentate's Gold Leaf Award for the generous donation of aluminum can tabs.  The tabs were accepted by Noble Benny Melton on behalf of our Temple and delivered to Area Representative Mike McDade.  Mike then took the initiative to find a metals recycler, Adam's Scrap Recycling, who's management then offered to match the value of the tabs as a donation.  Effectively doubling the value of the donation.  Mike then directed the money to the Sunshine Hut Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Fund for Shrine Patients.  Potentate Byron Sheppard and Recorder Gene Parker put the award together and I just happened to show up like a blister, "when the hard work is done."  

Hats off to the Optimist Club for collecting the tabs and thinking of Shriner's when they were searching for a good place to donate.  We are all very grateful and it will be used for a great cause.

The Clover Optimist Club from their own Face book page About...

Optimist International is an association of more than 2,900 Optimist Clubs around the world dedicated to "Bringing Out the Best in Kids." Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.

Each Optimist Club determines the needs of the young people in its community and conducts programs to meet those needs. Every year, Optimists conduct 65,000 service projects and serve well over six million young people.

For more information on the Optimist Club, check out their Facebook page at 

From Noble Benny Melton...

Blessings come in many ways,  whether they're tiny ones and ENORMOUS one... I been getting and saving can tabs from The Clover Optimist Club and Cub Scout Troop 237 in Clover for a while now. So decided to start spreading the Word to some of my customers. Low and behold one told me last week he had some for me. With the ones he had and the other ones, I have a total right now of 19 gallon  ziploc bags. I'll be taking them to the Shrine Meeting tomorrow night to turn in.
Thanks to Tracey Hines Melton , Baby Squirrel, and Monkey Man for helping me put what wasn't already baged in them.
 Just had to get on here and tell you all that has collected them THANK YOU SO MUCH, THEY'RE DEFINITELY WILL BE A BLESSING TO THE GREENVILLE CHILDREN HOSPITAL. 
PLEASE don't stop saving them and whether it's me or another Shriner get them to us so we can share a BLESSING with the CHILDREN... 
One way or another we are all BLESSED no matter if you feel like it or not...



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