Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Recorders Column - Commentator March 2023

 First, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.  As we started 2023 with our first Quarterly Business Meeting and Elections of our 2023 Divan & Area Reps I wanted to take a moment to congratulate everyone on their appointments!  

A special Congrats to our newly elected 2023 Potentate Illustrious Sir Byron Sheppard and Lady Michele!  I know he will have a great year if this year goes as well as his Nobility Gala did!  

As a Temple we have a lot to be thankful for.  Thank you to Illustrious Sir Mark Tinsley and Lady Pam for a great 2022  and thank all of you for your support in electing me as your new Temple Recorder. And most of all – I want to thank Sherwood Kaiser, PP for the job well done for the past two years and the help he has offered during the transition.  

As we start, 2023, the Divan and a good many Nobles traveled to Omar and Jamil Temples for their Nobility events.  Hejaz has a great showing at both.  The Divan is visiting clubs as well.  In recent weeks we’ve been to Greenwood, Newberry, Union, and Mid City and saw great attendance at each one!  

Our Clubs and Units Seminar on Feb. 4th at Newberry Shrine Club was well attended and a big THANKS to the club for the delicious breakfast they cooked up for us all!  I hope everyone left with some useful information!

Our next important task is our Onion Sale.  Let’s make sure all clubs, units and individuals get your orders in.  You can order online at or through the Temple Office.

In closing, I hope to see everyone as I travel to club and unit meeting nights.  If you don’t see me – be assured, I am on the way.  I plan to visit all groups through the year.  If you need anything in the meantime – just call the Temple and ask for me!

Fraternally Yours,

Gene Parker

Hejaz Recorder

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