Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Blood - March 2023


The Blood

I remember back to when I was searching for a good church. I went to many different denominations, met many people, with many different titles. Some would be called pastor, reverend, deacon, elder, etc. I got so caught up in religion that I started to lose track of what was truly important. 

Religion can be just as bad of an addiction than anything else. It can be easy to look at all the rules and regulations that denominations have and think you don’t belong or that you are too far gone. But the word of God tells us the exact opposite! 

John 8:12 (KJV) Jesus says, “I am the light of the world: he that followed me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life”. Jesus doesn’t say he that gets their life right first. Jesus doesn’t say he who doesn’t have problems. No! Jesus called on ANYONE that called on him. 

Many of you are familiar with the Old Testament story in the book of Exodus about the Passover. The Lord told the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and put the blood of the lamb over their door. So, when God passed through the land, every door marked with the blood of a lamb was safe, but the doors that were clean ended up losing their first born. 

The Lord didn’t stop and check what was inside of the homes with a lamb's blood. He didn’t see if they were good servants of God. He simply checked for the blood. In the same manner, we have the blood that Jesus shed for us! Nothing that we do makes us worthy. No amount of tithes, no amount of scripture we memorize, or quote can save us. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can save us! 

What a God we serve that sent his one and only son named Jesus to live a life just to die for us. None of us deserve it, but I’m thankful for the blood of Jesus. Life can throw so much at us, but no matter what we can always be thankful for him and what he did.   Just like that old hymn goes, “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood!” 

I’m ready to hear the words well done thy good and faithful servant. Thankfully I’ll be able to hear those words because of what Jesus did for me and you can too if you accept him as your lord and savior. (Mathew 25:11) 

May God bless you all!

Brayden Couch 

Hejaz Chaplain 2023

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